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General Information for Parents

Welcome to Manchester Sailing Association! This section of our website has many useful resources to assist parents as they navigate the sport of sailing and help their child be successful. You may be an old salt yourself, or you may be new to this. Either way, welcome to the adventure!

Please do not hesistate to reach out to our Program Director ( if you have any questions or need help!

What to bring to class:

Sailors should come to class prepared for a safe and fun day on the water. This means adequate clothing, sun protection, and hydration. 

Mandatory Items:

  • Life Jacket (see below for details)

  • Proper sailing attire that will be comfortable when wet

  • Closed-toe footwear

  • Sun-protection

  • Water bottle

Recommended Items:

  • Change of clothes

  • Towel

  • Snack for after class

Sailors should wear non-cotton, synthetic clothes that they will comfortable getting wet and swimming in. Swim bottoms or athletic shorts are both acceptable. 

Sailors are required to attend class in slip-resistant, closed-toed shoes, appropriate for use on a boat and in the water. Neither flip-flops nor slides are acceptable. Given the safety risks involved in sailing and being around the water, sailors must  wear appropriate shoes for the entirety of their time at MSA. Sailors without appropriate shoes will be sent home. Our instructors recommend Native Jefferson shoes, Keens, generic water shoes, or sailing boots. Sailing boots can be purchased online at specialty sailing stores such as Zhik, Rooster, Gill, Zim Sailing, and West Marine. Crocs are not acceptable. If your sailor plans to attend multiple sessions of sailing, we highly recommend investing in a pair of high-quality sailing boots.

Sailors should also come to sailing class with sun-protection: sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Our instructors recommend polarized sunglasses, as they offer better sun-protection and allow sailors to see clearly, even when sunlight is reflecting off the water. 

Most sailors bring a small bag with a change of clothes, a towel, and a snack for after sailing.

Sailors are required to bring a properly-fitting, USCG-approved life jacket/personal flotation device (PFD) that is 100% dependent on foam for floatation. USCG-approved Type III and sailing-designated Type V PFDs are acceptable. All life jackets will be fit tested on the first day of class. Below is an infographic showing how to test-fit a life jacket so your sailor will be good to go when they arrive for their first day of sailing; you can also find it here. All MSA staff members and sailors are required to wear their life jacket, properly zipped, buckled, and tightened, whenever on the beach or floating docks, in a boat, in the water, or as their instructor requires. In the interest of sailor safety, sailors who fail to abide by this rule will face disciplinary action. Sailors who repeatedly violate this rule will be sent home.

Sailors in our Race and Intro-to-Race classes must bring polarized sunglasses, sailing boots, and a digital watch with a countdown function in addition to the standard required items.

Did you know that your sailor can show you what they've learned during Saturday mornings?

Saturday Sailing is for all MSA participants to practice what they have learned to their parents, if they so choose. Sailing is supervised from 9 AM to 12 PM. Sailors may not use MSA equiptment outside of class, except during the designated Saturday Sailing period. Saturday morning participants must arrive before 10 AM. After 10 AM, instructors will be out on the water and will not be available to sign boats out. Currently registered sailors may only use the boats that they use in class. For example, Opti sailors may use MSA's Optis during Saturdays, but they may not use C420s. All Saturday sailors are expected to be able to rig the boat themselves or with parental help. An instructor will be present to sign out boats and provide supervision on the water. They will not be available to help sailors rig, launch their boats, or de-rigging. Every sailor must sign a boat out with an instructor before rigging and check back in after derigging. All children and parents must bring their own life jackets and wear them at all times.  In the event that an instructor cannot be provided, Saturday sailing will be cancelled. Please check with your sailor's instructor or the Program Director on or before Friday to confirm availablity.

Race Team Parent Regatta Expectations:

  • Place winning in the context of fun, good sportsmanship, and fair play. Emphasize process goals rather than strict result-focused goals.

  • Promote the Corinthian Spirit of Sailing.

  • As spectators, remain in designated areas and manage motorboats properly.

  • Remember that any coaching or contact with a sailor during a race is prohibited. If you talk to your sailor before they finish a race they will be disqualified. 

  • Show respect for race officials, regatta rules, and the host club. Uncounted volunteer hours are necessary to host a regatta; please be respectful guests and always thank the hosting volunteers and club members for their work.

  • Understand that alcohol and other illegal substances may not be present at any junior sailing event.

  • Be a role model for all sailors and demonstrate supportive and ethical behavior.

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